Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Click image to see FULLY. DESPITE CNN knowing BETTER, they STILL maintain this SITE OF LIES: http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/04/us/veteran-daughter-ptsd/index.html?hpt=hp_c3.
Christal Presley is the BEST FRIEND of Sean Hannity's wife since they were ROOMMATES at Virginia Tech -- Jill (Rhodes) Hannity.
There is NO MENTION of the fact that when I knew Christal, her boyfriend (briefly -- a few months), was Sunil, an India-Indian from a VERY wealthy family there -- who was a Coca-Cola mid-level executive at HQ in Atlanta. Sunil (full Indian name earlier in this blog), FLED back to India since then -- but had ALSO described in GREAT DETAIL the MAJOR INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARD THEFT OPERATION his former white, American wife had gotten him involved in. They flew Internationally and stayed in the HIGHEST LUXURY nearly every weekend -- and he nearly lost his Coca-Cola job over the irregularity it caused with his job performance.


1. First I must APOLOGIZE to "Star" Jones, whose silly comments a month or so ago, I tore apart. She has WIPED OFF SOME MAKE-UP and no longer looks like a "WHITE 'high-class' whore", either. She seems smarter than MOST people on CNN now.

2. There are MANY good people on CNN, including Carol Costello, Erin Burnett (probably -- but she MIGHT revert to her "ONE-PERCENTER" actual REALITY), Don Lemon, LZ (or similar), Scott Hill Something (actually from HuffPost), Dana Bash, Ashley Banfield (still a little provisional), Mr. Berman, Jake Tapper -- and even Piers Morgan is OFTEN independent, and at least engenders good discussions.

3. MY BIGGEST PROOF came LAST NIGHT when the TOTAL TRAITOR, fancy-boy Anderson Cooper-Vanderbilt questioned retired Gen. James "Spider" Marks ("Spider" or "Spider Marks", especially, are out-dated slang for "NAZI Swastika", so he got his NICKNAME rather PERFECTLY, no???), concerning WHAT American Marines and other forces were DOING pro-actively in the Mediterranean Area while all (nearly all, now) US Embassies and Consulates are CLOSED AGAINST THE MOSLEM HOARDS.

What Gen. Spider Marks said is that when they find a SOURCE of an EMAIL threat, they will ATTACK THAT SOURCE FIRST BEFORE ANY OTHER ACTION!!!

"Email Threats" and OTHER spurious activities, can be REAL, IMAGINED, MISTAKEN -- or even MANUFACTURED!!!

All students of GRADE SCHOOL HISTORY (in Catholic schools, anyway, that STILL TEACH PEOPLE!!!), KNOW that on the evening of 15 February 1898, the US Warship Maine sank off CUBA when her forward gunpowder magazines exploded.

THIS propelled the USA into the Spanish-American War -- and LATER it was revealed that the US Military BLEW UP ITS OWN SHIP and KILLED American Sailors JUST TO GET TO WAR!!!

(There's a LOT of PROFIT in WARS!!!)


>>> DISCLAIMER: I couldn't believe I heard this -- and of course nelly-boy NEVER asked for clarification or acted like that was not NORMAL -- in HIS opinion!!! I watched in vain and did not see this again on CNN last night -- and JUST NOW, I could NOT google it up online to be CERTAIN Gen. Marks actually said this.

4. But let's RETURN to Christal Presley!!!

Christal Presley in her home office, 2010. This picture shows Christal's "Inner Bovinity" to particular advantage!!!

As all know, gals like this can't much get dates with man, woman or BEAST, but Christal DID solve that problem by buying an Afghan Hound, which she named Arthur:

Afghan Hounds are known for MANIC BEHAVIOR and LONG TONGUES. I don't know if Christal BAITED HER VAGINA with peanut butter (dogs LOVE that stuff!!!), or with natural "squirtings", blood-flows, etc., but Christal Presley is ALSO highly allergic to Poison Ivy, and TWICE while I knew Christal, she got poison ivy in her VAGINA which SPREAD TO HER INTERNAL ORGANS, and Christal claimed it was LIFE THREATENING and she took off work and was on HEAVY DRUGS both times.

The poison ivy was in the backyard -- and Arthur kept sniffing his way through it to find a good "poop place". EVENTUALLY, Christal WISED UP and all but used NAPALM to clear out her back yard.

Me, Christal Presley, Sunil (whose last name was very long -- beginning with Vishnu . . . , as I recall), and a child they "mentored" --but KEPT FORGETTING ABOUT, so he was TAKEN FROM THEM in the program.
Photo taken in Stone Mountain Park, winter 2009 - 10, only about 750 feet to the right, is WHERE I saw the trains from Mexico (that operation HEADED by Newt Gingrich and my mother in 1990), unloaded into Sysco Food System and Inland Seafood trucks -- then one of them passed the huge bags of drugs to dealers at the Krystal restaurant on Memorial Drive, halfway to Decatur.

5. http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/03/hoy-it-is-clear-that-ides-of-marx.html : How former GAY ACTIVIST EXTRAORDINAIRE, Proust Scholar, MY "personal friend" from meeting him at a Decatur Book Festival in GA, and MEMOIRIST EDMUND WHITE allowed a FEATURED CNN interview claim that Ronald Reagan and even then US Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop

. . . had done EVERYTHING to COMBAT AIDS and LOVED GAYS!!!

EVERYONE remembers the OPPOSITE was true -- although in Reagan's case it was COMPLICADO because he was Bush/Cheney's PUPPET.

And BESIDES, in 2009, John Uecker (who smothered Tennessee Williams with a pillow), told me about how DON WEISE, then MY CONTRACTED-PUBLISHER of my Williams memoir at Alyson Books -- THEN the Premier Gay Publisher for YEARS, now only THIS on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alyson-Books/184711002438 , had WITH EDMUND WHITE conspired to TAKE DOWN and COMPLETELY DESTROY publishing house CARROLL & GRAF.

They gave Ed a HALF MILLION DOLLAR ADVANCE on a book they BOTH knew was a DOG. The house soon collapsed. Don Weise has his OWN PUBLISHING HOUSE, now: http://www.magnusbooks.com/


Don Weise about 2011.
And Edmund White with ONLY the death of Carroll & Graf:
And in his EARLIER "Gay Activist Extraordinaire" Salad Days:

See more here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/03/whores-in-babylon-authors-edmund-white.html



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