President Drew Gilpin Faust, Harvard University.
Dear President Faust:
My name is Scott David Kenan and I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams -- and I am blood-connected to the Kenans who endow so much University Education (including Harvard), but not of any influence with those charities.
As I explained to your able assistant, Leah, I have enough knowledge and evidence to probably be able to OVERTURN Sewanee's claim to the Estate of Tennessee Williams, known locally as the Walter Dakin fund. Let me attempt to be brief here and list some key points of that -- more background can be found on my blog (which has a fair amount of "adult language" in some strident parts): .
I also KNOW that John Uecker murdered Tennessee when Sewanee ordered it (PRIME criminals: Maria St. Just-nee-Britneva (deceased), Michael Remer -- Sewanee's NYC attorney, now deceased -- and John Eastman, Tennessee's last attorney at Eastman & Eastman, NYC. As you know, the coroner LATER changed the C.O.D. -- but it is STILL LIES.
Tony Narducci (who was PAID by the conspirators to separate me from TW), now has a memoir out too: . MY book that got stellar reviews was TANKED, most recently by Amazon claiming a VP of Wells Fargo Bank in Chicago OWNS IT, but Amazon REFUSES to tell me what evidence they have of that, although Jamie sued me in court in absentia for $50K and to drop a few blog posts -- but WON half a MILLION, copyright ownership of my memoir about Tennessee Williams to SUPPRESS THE TRUTH, but I published it here on blog, anyway: , (backwards chapters that I'll straighten out soon). Here is Amazon's site with REVIEWS: -ebook/dp/B0053480S2 .
I apologize for my cumbersome writing, but I'm in a hurry to complete this and get to other things.
They ALSO got copyright ownership of my BLOG and even its DOMAIN (at least the parts I wrote in the US ending ".com"), and all my emails about ANY OF THOSE SUBJECTS UNTIL THE DAY I DIE!!!
Unfortunately, despite my many WARNINGS to them, they NEVER legally served me -- HIGHLY PROVABLE -- and NO JUDGE signed the final order. The whole thing will fall but I'm penniless (+/-) now on a $1,200/month pension, so cannot fight the CHICAGO DRUG MAFIA, led by Rahm Emanuel.
Tom's maid, Leoncia McGee, was forgotten in the original will and Tom added an income for her in his codicil, which because she WITNESSED IT, was not allowed to benefit. Maria St. Just stepped in and provided her an income in exchange for Leoncia saying Tom was incompetent when he signed the codicil. Gary Tucker and Schuyler "Skye" Wyatt -- two total troublemakers the whole half year I was there -- testified the same and soon moved to Atlanta (1983), where I, then, already lived. They had part-time, low-paying jobs, yet lived in a Victorian Mansion (now a sky-scraper, and they TOLD me "rent free"), on Peachtree Street next to the Alliance Theater, then run by my college friend, Edith Love, Managing Director.
They hosted TONS of big parties -- which they invited me to, but I never attended, and in fact eventually, Skye told me that it was a "high-placed Republican Legislator in the Tennessee State Legislature" who had kept them ALL in money. In 2009, when I re-friended John Uecker, he swore to me several times that Skye had told him the exact same thing. Now, Uecker murdered TW -- and is now deathly afraid of me -- even though knowing the circumstances back then, I might even excuse it as a "mercy killing".
John lives on W. 88th Street in Manhattan, and his phone numbers are (973) 234-XXXX, cell, and (212) 580-XXXX land-line. Don't know if he'll talk to you or not, but I suggest you contact your former employee, Nancy Armstrong, who was the admin in your Legal Department for years, and when I spoke with her by phone in 2011, about this in greater detail, she said it made PERFECT sense to her -- but that NO ONE else from the 1983 legal team was at Harvard, they had NOT understood how Sewanee WON what Harvard should have EASILY won, and that the files had been distantly archived and she doubted any interest could be drummed up -- and in fact NONE WAS.
If you try to find Nancy now, don't be surprised if she's dead or disabled. THREE of my close friends have been murdered over knowing too much -- the last being Evan Fish in Wilmington, NC, fall 2011, whom the Police and Sheriff's Deputies FORCED to jump off a parking garage and covered it up as suicide.
Rather than continue now, (so much more can be found in my blog -- but I DO write a LOT), let me say because I see you are a scholar of Southern History, that the Kenan Family (due to its control of the world's FIRST Oil Monopoly even now), kept William R. Kenan, SENIOR out of the history books. In fact, he (then the head of Wilmington's Customs House -- the most politically powerful post in North Carolina, then, as well as HUGELY BRIBES PRODUCING), got angry when a new President of the US appointed a BLACK MAN to replace him, and conspired with the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church (actually AUTHORIZED by the Kenan Stuart progenitors), to cause , and THAT led to Racist Southern Democrats passing the Jim Crow Laws across the South within two years.
Yes, the SAME FAMILY that has THIS YEAR been for 100 YEARS, now, the LARGEST private support of University Education in the WORLD -- brought us all JIM CROW!!!
But you might ALSO know that Gen. James Kenan led the FIRST armed resistance to the Crown over the Stamp Act -- eight years before "your" Boston Tea Party -- but I used to live in Peabody, so I'm OK with this FALSE YANKEE CLAIM. HA!!!
I look forward to hearing soon from you if you wish to look into this further -- but please let me know either way. If NOT, I will have to make my personal peace with Sewanee -- although I TOLD the top Episcopal Bishop in the USA (her office), I am doing all this and Sewanee's administration knows it as well. They FINALLY treat me with respect.
I think that given everything that has happened, that the two of you might somehow just SPLIT IT in half, but Harvard really DOES deserve ALL OF IT.
I look forward to your reply.
Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
+011-52-1-XXX-XXXX, cell
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